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Fashion is the devil's walk
来源: | 作者:communications-1067227 | 发布时间 :2124 days ago | 668 次浏览: | Share:

1. Check whether the power indicator (green) of the POE device is on properly. Ensure that the POE device is securely connected to the power cable connector to avoid power failure caused by poor connector contact.

2. Check that the POE output (Data&PowerOut) network cable is correctly connected to the reader Ethernet port; Avoid power supply failures caused by incorrect connection of network cables.

3. Check that the network Cable is normal. It is recommended to use a network cable tester.

4. If the POE device, network cable, and connection mode are normal, apply for an RMA for the device if the fault persists.

Please insert and remove the Power supply for 2-3 times and observe the device indicator. After each power-on, only the power indicator is on. If the device hardware is faulty, apply for RMA for the device.